Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Status Update - August 2007

Well, it's been a while since I've had a chance to work on this much, but I finally got back to some development work last night. I started to hack away at some more of the web-based management interface. I've got most of the open-iSCSI management done in PHP - it was really easy because most everything is done in a fairly simple fashion through the iscsiadm command, so interfacing that with PHP was pretty easy. I doubt everything else will be quite so easy, especially when it comes to things like parsing config files and stuff like that.

I'm also trying to develop the sudoers file as a go - the web server is going to need sudo access to quite a few commands, but I certainly don't want to give the user full sudo access, so I have to keep track of what commands will need sudo access.

I released version 1.0.2 yesterday, which doesn't really have a lot of changes - I just re-cooked the groups, created new builds, and another release. This should ensure that it has the latest sets of packages from rPath Linux.

Oh, and I seem to actually be getting some downloads of the tool off! Not sure who's downloading it, but I hope you're finding it useful!